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The Art of Being a Grandmother

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Signora anziana che prepara gli gnocchi fatti in casa per i nipoti con l'aceto balsamico di Modena della Vecchia Dispensa

With the arrival of autumn Clementina felt invigorated by the freshness of the air and the beauty of the colors that transformed the landscape. It was a special moment for her, because she knew that her grandchildren would return from abroad to enjoy the company of their grandparents and the taste of home. She had been waiting to see them again for a long time and the joy of being able to prepare traditional Modena dishes filled her with energy.

Clementina was an energetic and loving grandmother, known in her neighborhood for her skill at making homemade pasta. There wasn’t a Sunday in which her cooking wasn’t surrounded by the unmistakable scent of ragù and fresh pasta, and this time she had a special recipe in mind for her grandchildren: potato gnocchi with gorgonzola, pears, walnuts and a touch of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena Gold Label of La Vecchia Dispensa.

The day began early, kneading boiled potatoes and flour on the large wooden table in her kitchen. The skill of her expert hands made the work easy, as she sang old Modena songs in a low voice. “Alma, come help me,” she said to her daughter. While they were preparing the gnocchi, Clementina told Alma stories of when she herself was a child and of the days spent in the fields picking fruit and vegetables. “I remember when I was in the countryside,” she said, smiling at the thought of those simple and serene times.

With the gnocchi ready, Clementina dedicated herself to preparing the gorgonzola and pear sauce. She carefully melted the cheese in a saucepan, adding the diced pears and toasted walnuts for crunch. Finally, while the scent filled the kitchen, she generously poured the Gold Label Balsamic Vinegar of Modena, the final touch that would bind all the flavors. The grandchildren arrived in the afternoon, greeted by hugs and laughter. It was a moment of great emotion, especially for Clementina, who hadn’t seen them for years. The house filled with joy, with tales of distant adventures and childhood memories coming to life once again.

“Grandma, the smell of your cooking is just as I remembered it!” exclaimed Lorenzo, the eldest of the grandchildren, smelling the air with pleasure.

“And your gnocchi are unbeatable, grandma!” Sara added, sitting at the set table.

Clementina smiled, proud and happy to have her family gathered around her. She served the gnocchi with care, letting the heat of the dish and the scent of the balsamic conquer everyone present. Every bite was a celebration of flavours: the creaminess of the gorgonzola, the sweetness of the pears, the crunchiness of the walnuts, all enhanced by the balsamic vinegar.

“Wonderful!” Lorenzo exclaimed. “There’s nothing like it at home.”

“And now let’s eat! Come on, this is good stuff” replied Clementina, laughing cheerfully and inviting everyone to ask for an encore.

Dinner extended into an evening of stories and memories, while the leaves outside the window danced to the rhythm of the autumn wind. Clementina listened to her grandchildren talk about their lives abroad, proud of their experiences but happy to be able to offer them a family refuge where they could rediscover their roots. Before leaving the table, Lorenzo stood up and hugged Clementina. “Grandma, thank you. You are the heart of our family, and your love can be felt in every dish.”

“You’re welcome, dear,” she replied, wiping away a tear of emotion. “You always know where to find me.”

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