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Under the Willow Tree Shadow

Blog e Ricette

Ferragosto was upcoming and Cunegonda, who had faced numerous challenges since the beginning of the year by working intensely in various organizations to improve the life of her community, felt the need to relax and get away from everything, at least for a day. She therefore decided to give herself a well-deserved break from her commitments and organize a barbecue in a popular place just outside Modena where it was possible to barbecue outdoors. In addition to some friends, she also invited her younger brother, Marco, to join her. Marco was a young dreamer, always in love with someone or something, and that summer he had fallen in love with a girl from the neighborhood.

“Are you ready, Marco?” asked Cunegonda as she placed everything needed for the barbecue in the basket. “I made your favorite pasta salad.”

“Yes, of course! But, hey, Cunegonda, do you think Giulia will come?” he asked with a hopeful smile.

Cunegonda laughed. “I don’t know, but even if she’s not there we’ll still have a great day, I promise.”

Marco nodded, although his enthusiasm seemed slightly dampened. Cunegonda noticed his expression and patted him on the shoulder. “You’ll see, we’ll have a lot of fun.”

Having arrived at the chosen place, they set up their position under the shade of a large willow tree. The place was already bustling with groups of friends and families enjoying the sunny day and Cunegonda took the ingredients for the grilled skewers out of the basket: pork, peppers and courgettes. She carefully skewered them onto sticks, ready to season them with a blend of spices before grilling. While they were preparing the barbecue, a familiar voice cut through the laughter and noises of the park. It was Giulia, Marco’s crush, who approached with a couple of friends. Marco stiffened with emotion, his eyes widening in disbelief.

“Hello, Cunegonda! Hello, Marco!” greeted Giulia, radiant as always. “What a beautiful place! Can we help do something?”

Cunegonda smiled, throwing a knowing look at Marco. “Sure, plates and glasses are in the bag, could you set the table while I take care of lunch?”

While the group settled down, Giulia began to chat with Marco, who slowly relaxed, finding the courage to talk to her about the different passions of his. Cunegonda observed the scene with satisfaction, happy to see her brother having fun. Shortly afterwards, while the skewers were sizzling on the grill, a sudden gust of wind took Giulia’s hat away, sending it flying towards the nearby grove. Marco jumped up, determined to retrieve it.

“I’ll go, Giulia! Don’t move,” he said, running towards the hat.

Cunegonda followed him with her gaze: her brother disappeared among the trees and the group continued chatting happily. After a few minutes Marco returned with the hat in his hand and a triumphant expression on his face. But he wasn’t alone: ​​a little dog followed him, visibly hungry and scared. Marco had found him in the woods and couldn’t leave him there.

“Cunegonda, look who I found!” Marco exclaimed, petting the little dog. “What do you say, let’s give him some meat? If no one claims him we could try to find him a family.” Cunegonda looked at the little animal cautiously approaching the group and her heart melted. Giulia bent down to pet the puppy and in response he crouched at her feet. “Oh, he’s adorable! We should give him a name.”

“How about Ferragosto?” Marco proposed, laughing.

The rest of the day passed quickly: the skewers were finally removed from the heat and Cunegonda seasoned them with a touch of balsamic vinegar before serving them. The flavors of the tender meat and grilled vegetables enhanced by the vinegar were appreciated by everyone, while the fruit salad with ice cream added a refreshing and unexpected touch to the picnic. With the sun slowly sinking to the horizon, the group relaxed in the shade of the willow tree, enjoying the light breeze and each other’s company. Good food and the simple beauty of a day spent outdoors: what’s better in life?

A few months later, Marco and Giulia decided to move in together and brought with them Ferragosto, which had now become part of the family. The little dog had united the young couple even more, becoming a symbol of their summer love and of the wonderful day spent together, and Cunegonda couldn’t be happier about it.

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